Source code for yapydata.datatree.synini

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The *YapyData.ini* module provides the extended *INI* file syntax access 
with optional extended syntax features.
The core syntax is defined by the standard library *configparser.ConfigParser*,
** supports *Python2.7*, and *Python3.5+*.


from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import sys
import re

import itertools

from pythonids import PYV35Plus, ISSTR
from sourceinfo.fileinfo import getcaller_filename, getcaller_linenumber 

if PYV35Plus:
    import configparser  # @UnusedImport @UnresolvedImport
    # requires 'strict' parameter, thus the back-port,
    # for now keep the construct
    #import ConfigParser as configparser  # @Reimport @UnusedImport @UnresolvedImport

    # decided to switch to the backport from Python3 - need __getitem__
    import configparser  # @UnusedImport # @Reimport

    from ConfigParser import ConfigParser  # @UnusedImport
    from configparser import ConfigParser  # @Reimport @UnusedImport

from collections import OrderedDict

import yapydata
from yapydata.datatree import YapyDataTreeError
from yapydata.datatree.datatree import DataTree, YapyDataDataTreeOidError

__author__ = 'Arno-Can Uestuensoez'
__license__ = "Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2019 Arno-Can Uestuensoez" \
                " @Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez"
__version__ = '0.1.1'
__uuid__ = "60cac28d-efe6-4a8d-802f-fa4fc94fa741"

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

[docs]class YapyDataINIError(YapyDataTreeError): """Generic INI syntax error. """ pass
#: fixed common keyword for special values - supported case sensitive and literally only _KEYWORDS = {'true':True, 'false': False, 'null':None,} # # container types # _C_LIST = 1 #: list _C_DICT = 2 #: dict _C_BYTEARRAY = 4 _C_TUPLE = 8 _C_SET = 16 #: container markers - default generic base types _CONTAINERS = { 'default': _C_LIST, # default '': _C_LIST, # default too, will pop the empty item 'list': _C_LIST, # generic base type: list - array 'dict': _C_DICT, # generic base type: dict - object } #: Container markers for extended types specific to this module. #: Do not use them in multi-syntax environments. #: These are meant to be concatenated to _CONTAINERS by choice. #: Some constraints apply to these types for Python. #: E.g. immutable, non-subscriptable, so applicable in specific #: data tree contexts only. _CONTAINERSX = { 'bytearray': _C_BYTEARRAY, # array of bytes {0..256} 'tuple': _C_TUPLE, # immutable tuple 'set': _C_SET, # non-subscriptable set } #: Gets list entries. #: win uses '\n' too: _CONCAT_LIST=re.compile(os.linesep + r'[ \t]*,') _CONCAT_LIST=re.compile(r'\r{0,1}\n[ \t]*,') #: Compiles regexpr for search paths spanning multiple lines. _CONCAT_PATH=re.compile(r'\r{0,1}\n[ \t]*[:]') #: Compiles regexpr for search paths spanning multiple lines. _CLEAR_KEY=re.compile(r'^[ \t]*(.*?)[ \t]*$')
[docs]def grow_branch(*subpath, **kargs): """Creates a new branch including the assigned value to the last node. The node types are defined by the types of the *subpath* entries. Supports a single linear branch only, no sub-branching. The created path is validated for permitted types. The derived types such as JSON have to support their own branch method. Thus provided as a static method. Args: subpath: Variable list/tuple of path keys and indexes. kargs: value: Value to be assigned to the final node. Returns: A created branch. Raises: pass-through """ _val = kargs.get('value') _subpath=list(subpath) try: ik = _subpath.pop(0) except IndexError: return _val if isinstance(ik, int): if ik != 0: # no padding raise YapyDataDataTreeOidError( "new list requires idx==0: %s\n see: %s\n" %( str(subpath), str(ik) ) ) return [grow_branch(*_subpath, value=_val)] elif isinstance(ik, ISSTR) or ik in (True, False, None,): # python only: (True, False, None,) return {ik: grow_branch(*_subpath, value=_val)} elif isinstance(ik, frozenset): # python only return {ik: grow_branch(*_subpath, value=_val)} raise YapyDataDataTreeOidError( "invalid subpath key/index: %s\n see: %s\n" %( str(subpath), str(ik) ) )
[docs]def readout_data(xval, **kargs): """Scan tree into JSON representation. Uses recursive calls to readout_data through the logical tree spanned by *ConfigParser*. Args: xval: The loaded input tree as received from *ConfigDataINIX*, which is defined by *ConfigParser.read_file()*. For example a node *cf*:: datafile = os.path.abspath(fpname) cf = ConfigDataINIX(datafile) cf.load_parser() cf.import_data(datafile) is read out as :: datatree = readout_data(cf) Returns: The resulting scanned data structure. Raises: pass-through """ return xval.readout_data()
[docs]class MultiOrderedDict(OrderedDict): """Add lists for multi-key items. """
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Intercept keys which are already present. """ if key in self: if isinstance(value, list): if isinstance(self[key], list): try: self[key].extend(value) except KeyError: self[key] = value else: self.__dict__[key] = value return # elif isinstance(value,str): # return super(MultiOrderedDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
[docs]class CaseSensitiveConfigParser(configparser.ConfigParser): """Preserves case of all keys - including DEFAULT section. Suppress formatting of *optionstr*, preserves upper case characters. """
[docs] def optionxform(self, optionstr): return optionstr
[docs]class DataTreeINI(DataTree): """The the supported in-memory data tree representation of the *INI* syntax supports a JSON compatible in memory data structure. The supported structure relies on the standard *ConfigParser* - of *Python2* and *Python3* - with a minimum set of custom addons. For a full set of extensions refer to the package *multiconf*. The basic scheme of the stored syntax is:: ini-for-in-memory-json := { <sections> } sections := <section> [, <sections>] section := <section-attributes> section-attributes := <attr-value-pairs> [, <section-attributes>] attr-value-pairs := <attr-value-pair> [, <attr-value-pairs>] attr-value-pair := <attr-name> <separator> <attr-value> attr-name := "any valid ConfigParser string compatible to a JSON string" attr-value := ( <integer> | <integer-as-string> | <float> | <float-as-string> | <string> | <list> | <dict> | <boolean> | <boolean-as-string> | <null> | <null-as-string> ) integer-as-string := '"' <integer> '"' # treated as string integer := "any non-quoted valid integer value" # treated as integer float-as-string := '"' <float> '"' # treated as string float := "any non-quoted valid integer value" # treated as float string := "any valid string" boolean := (true | false) boolean-as-string := '"' <boolean> '"' # treated as string null := null null-as-string := '"' <null> '"' # treated as string separator := ( ':' | '=' ) The following derived proprietary container types are provided. These are compatible with the basic representation of the higher layer *multiconf* package, which also provides command line compilation and cross-conversion utilies. The *list* entries are represented as multiple lines of entries with leading white-spaces and a comma. :: list := <proprietary-basic-multiline-list-syntax> proprietary-basic-multiline-list-syntax := <attr-name> <separator> <list-item> <CR> <list-items-multiline> <CR> list-items-multiline := <ws> ',' <list-item> <CR> [<list-items-multiline>] list-item := attr-value ws := "arbitrary whitespace - <SPACE>, <tab>" CR := "new line" The *dict* entries are represented as multiple lines of entries with leading white-spaces and a comma:: dict := <proprietary-basic-multiline-dict-syntax> proprietary-basic-multiline-dict-syntax := <attr-name> <separator> <attr-dict-item> <CR> <dict-items-multiline> <CR> dict-items-multiline := <ws> ',' <dict-item> <CR> [<dict-items-multiline>] dict-item := attr-value-pair ws := "arbitrary whitespace - <SPACE>, <tab>" CR := "new line" The data tree is compatible with the standard packas *json*. """
[docs] @staticmethod def isvalid_top(value, **kargs): """Validate compliance of top-node. """ if not isinstance(value, (dict, list, )): raise YapyDataINIError( "top 'node' must be a valid INI type for RFC-4627 processing: (dict, list), got: " + str(type(value)) ) return
[docs] def __init__(self, data={}, **kargs): """ Args: data: A JSON compliant in-memory data tree in accordance to RFC-7159:: json-value := ( object | array | number | string | false | true | null ) The equivalent *Python* types are - based on JSON-RFC7159 as canonical in-memory data:: RFC-7159-type-for-json := ( dict | list # see: object, array | int | float # see: number | str # see: unicode / for Python: ISSTR = (str(3) | unicode(2)) | None | True | False # see: null, true, false ) The initial data defines the permitted type of the first item within the *subpath* of the spanned data tree. Thus atomic data types define a single node data tree only - new in RFC-7159. kargs: syntax: Defines the syntax variant:: syntax := ( 'base' # base core syntax for multi-syntax environments with global types | 'ext' # extended syntax with specific extension for this module | 'auto' # for now enables all choices - basically the same as 'ext' ) default := 'base' # maximum compatibility for multi-syntax environments Returns: None / initialized object Raises: YapyDataDataTreeError pass-through """ _syn = kargs.get('syntax') if _syn in ('ext', 'auto',): # enable optional syntax extensions global _CONTAINERS _CONTAINERS.update(_CONTAINERSX) # check data validity - pass eventual syntax parameters DataTreeINI.isvalid_top(data, **kargs) # actually initialize Python # enabled syntax variant is not checked in depth - used currently by 'trust' ... and exceptions... super(DataTreeINI, self).__init__(data)
[docs] def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Validates types of own data attributes. Args: name: Name of the attribute. Following are reserved and treated special: * type: str - 'data' The value is treated as the replacement of the internal data attribute. Replaces or creates the complete data of teh current instance. value: The value of the attribute. This by default superposes present values by replacement. Non-present are created. Returns: Raises: YapyDataINIError """ if name == 'data': # # replacement of current managed data # DataTreeINI.isvalid_top(value) self.__dict__[name] = value else: # # any standard attribute with standard behavior # return object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
[docs] def import_data(self, fpname, key=None, node=None, **kargs): """Reads an INI file. This is a simple basic method for the application on the lower layers of the software stack. It is designed for minimal dependencies. The used library is the standard *configparser* package. Args: fpname: File path name of the *INI* file. :: fpname := <ini-file-path-name> ini-file-path-name := ( <file-path-name> # with extension | <file-path-name> '.ini' # without extension, for multiple syntaxes ) key: The key for the insertion point:: node[key] = <file-data> default := None - replace, The caller is responsible for the containment of the provided node within the data structure represented by this object. No checks are performed. node: The node for the insertion of the read data.:: default := <top> Returns: Reference to read data structure. Raises: YapyDataConfigError pass-through """ if not os.path.isfile(fpname): if not os.path.isfile(fpname + '.ini'): raise YapyDataINIError("Missing file: " + str(fpname)) else: fpname = fpname + '.ini' datafile = os.path.abspath(fpname) cf = ConfigDataINIX(datafile) cf.load_parser() cf.import_data(datafile) jval = cf.readout_data() if key and node == None: raise YapyDataINIError("Given key(%s) requires a valid node." % (str(key))) if key: node[key] = jval else: = jval return jval
[docs]class ConfigDataINIX(object): """A simple configuration file parser based on the standard *ConfigParser* class. The final resulting data with completely applied syntax-extensions is available by the method *readout_data()*. Supports the data types:: int, float, str multi-line lists, multi-line search-paths null true, false The optional structure:: global-attributes-without-section The standard file extensions are:: '.ini' The supported stnadard features of *ConfigParser* include:: interpolation For detailed information refer to the parameters of the *__init__* method. """ suffixes = ('ini', ) #: standard suffixes for INI
[docs] def __init__(self, conf, **kargs): """ Args: **conf**: The file path name of the configuration file. kargs: For additional parameters see *ConfigData*. allow_no_value: Enables the support for keys without values of *INI* format files. Supported by the standard library based *configparser* . The value could be applied to derived custom parser:: default := False See parameter *allow_no_value* of *configparser.ConfigParser*. casesens: Preserves case of keys:: default := False comment_prefixes: Defines the comment prefixes:: default := ('#', ';') delimiters: Defines the delimiters for *INI* format based files. Supported by the standard library based *configparser* . The value could be applied to derived custom parser:: default := ('=', ':',) dict_type: The type of dictionary to be used by the parent class:: default := None empty_lines_in_values:: default := False inline_comment_prefixes: Defines the inline comment prefixes:: default := None interpolation: Enables the creation and replacement of variables within configuration files. Depends on the derived class, when not supported simply ignored:: default := True See parameter *interpolation* of *configparser.ConfigParser*. sectionpaths: Enables the conversion and interpretation of section names as path entries. This is required, when the versatility of the converted and/or merged syntaxes are of different degree, and the actual used syntax data path elements could not be converted. In this case an intermediate sub-syntax is supported by a dotted path notation, which could be converted between the applied syntaxes:: sectionpaths := ( True # long data paths e.g. from *JSON* are # converted to dotted section names # and vice versa | False # requires compatible versatility, # else raises exception ) default := True sectionpaths=True: The section names of the native *INIX* syntax by default constitute a one-level-only depth of data structures for the complexity of structure definition. sectionpaths=False: sectionpathsep: Defines the character used in section names as path separator. The character has to be valid as provided by the config parser of the syntax, in particular a valid character for section names of *INI* files, and has to be semantically suitable as a special separator character:: sectionpathsep := [] default := '.' Valid only when *sectionpaths* is active. strict: Controls the verification of duplicate sections when these are used:: strict := ( True # raise an exception for duplicates | False # accept ) default := False See *strict* option of *ConfigParser*. quiet: Suppresses display of non-errors:: default := False Returns: None/object Raises: pass-through """ self.allow_no_value = kargs.get('allow_no_value', False) self.casesens = kargs.get('casesens', False) self.comment_prefixes = kargs.get('comment_prefixes', ('#', ';')) self.delimiters = kargs.get('delimiters', ('=', ':',)) self.dict_type = kargs.get('dict_type', None) self.empty_lines_in_values = kargs.get('empty_lines_in_values', False) self.inline_comment_prefixes = kargs.get('inline_comment_prefixes', None) self.interpolation = kargs.get('interpolation', True) self.quiet = kargs.get('quiet', False) self.strict = kargs.get('strict', False) # changed default
[docs] def __bool__(self): try: return len(self.confdata.sections()) > 0 except Exception: return False
[docs] def __nonzero__(self): try: return len(self.confdata.sections()) > 0 except Exception: return False
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """Get the section object. Requires for Python2 the backport from Python3 "configparser", see PyPI """ return self.confdata[key]
[docs] def get(self, key): """Get the section object - compatible to Python3 and the backport of the *configparser*. """ if key in self.confdata.sections(): return self.confdata[key] return None
[docs] def import_data(self, conf, **kargs): """Reads the configuration file and imports data. Supported standard types are:: 'cfg', 'conf', 'ini', The imported data for the suported standard syntax is interpreted as: +----------------------------------------+-------------+-------------------+-------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | syntax of imported config | sections as | keys as | path as | insertion position | remark | +========================================+=============+===================+=============+=========================+==============================================+ | `conf <parser_conf.html>`_ | sections | keys to <section> | -- | top, <section>, DEFAULT | no rename and no nested sections, no globals | +----------------------------------------+-------------+-------------------+-------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | `ini <parser_ini.html>`_ | sections | keys by section | -- | top, <section>, DEFAULT | no rename and no nested sections, no globals | +----------------------------------------+-------------+-------------------+-------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | `inix <parser_inix.html>`_ | sections | keys by section | -- | top, <section>, DEFAULT | no rename and no nested sections, no globals | +----------------------------------------+-------------+-------------------+-------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ Args: conf: The file path name of the configuration file. kargs: Unknown options are passed through to the configuration parser. anchor: The insertion point for the imported data:: anchor := ( <section> | 'DEFAULT' | <top> ) top := "imports valid INIX/INI/CONF files with sections only" section := "the name of the section" 'DEFAULT' := "keyword defined by the standard library as global defaults for interpolation" default := <top> strict: Activates validation. The boolean value is mapped to the corresponding option of the called import parser: +------------+----------+-------+--------+ | parser | option | True | False | +============+==========+=======+========+ | conf | strict | True | False | +------------+----------+-------+--------+ | ini | strict | True | False | +------------+----------+-------+--------+ | inix | strict | True | False | +------------+----------+-------+--------+ syntax: Force the provided syntax. For available values refer to syntax multiplexer *self.synmux*. Returns: True for success, else False or raises an exception. Raises: pass-through """ # sectionless # add '[globaldummy]' for 'configparser' # will be removed by 'read_out' with open(conf) as fp: self.confdata.read_file( itertools.chain(['[globaldummy]'], fp), source=os.path.dirname(conf) ) return self.confdata != []
[docs] def keys(self): return self.confdata.sections()
[docs] def load_parser(self, **kargs): """Loads the syntax parser *configparser.ConfigParser* and patches the behaviour for common 'conf' and 'cfg' format. Supports the most of the files in '/etc' of POSIX based OS. Args: kargs: For the description of the options refer to the method header of **. Unknown are passed through to the loaded configuration parser. For the following parameters see __init__: * **allow_no_value** * **casesens** * **comment_prefixes** * **inline_comment_prefixes** * **delimiters** * **dict_type** * **empty_lines_in_values** * **interpolation** * **strict** * **quiet** Returns: True, or raises an exception. Raises: pass-through """ kw_optparser = {} try: kw_optparser['strict'] = kargs.pop('strict') except: # try: # kw_optparser['strict'] = self.conf['strict'] # except KeyError: # kw_optparser['strict'] = self.strict pass # _ip = self.conf.get('interpolation') # if _ip: # if _ip.lower() in ('false', '0', 'off', 'no'): # kw_optparser['interpolation'] = None # elif _ip.lower() not in ('false', '0', 'off', 'no'): # raise MultiConfError("invalid value: interpolation=" + str(_ip)) # elif self.interpolation == False: # kw_optparser['interpolation'] = None # _d = self.conf.get('delimiters', None) # if _d: # kw_optparser['delimiters'] = tuple(_d) # elif self.delimiters: # kw_optparser['delimiters'] = self.delimiters # # # _d = self.conf.get('comment_prefixes', None) # if _d: # kw_optparser['comment_prefixes'] = tuple(_d) # # _d = self.conf.get('inline_comment_prefixes', None) # if _d: # kw_optparser['inline_comment_prefixes'] = tuple(_d) # # _d = self.conf.get('empty_lines_in_values', None) # if _d: # kw_optparser['empty_lines_in_values'] = tuple(_d) # # _d = self.conf.get('allow_no_value', None) # if _d: # kw_optparser['allow_no_value'] = _d # elif not kargs.get('allow_no_value'): # kw_optparser['allow_no_value'] = self.allow_no_value # # dict_type = kargs.get('dict_type', self.dict_type) # if _d: # kw_optparser['dict_type'] = dict_type # # try: # _quiet = kargs.pop('quiet') # except: # pass # activate case senitivity # _cs = self.conf.get('casesens', False) # _cs = self.conf.get('casesens') # if _cs == None: # _cs = kargs.get('casesens', False) # if _cs not in (True, False): # if _cs is None: # _cs = False # elif _cs.lower() in ('false', '0', 'off', 'no'): # _cs = False # elif _cs.lower() not in ('true', '1', 'on', 'yes'): # raise MultiConfError("invalid value: casesens=" + str(_cs)) _cs = True if _cs: _parser = CaseSensitiveConfigParser else: _parser = configparser.ConfigParser if yapydata._debug > 1: sys.stderr.write( "DBG:%s:%s:_parser = %s\n" %( str(getcaller_filename()), str(getcaller_linenumber()), str(_parser) ) ) sys.stderr.write( "DBG:%s:%s:kw_optparser = %s\n" %( str(getcaller_filename()), str(getcaller_linenumber()), str(kw_optparser) ) ) # self.kw_optparser = kw_optparser # if dict_type: # self.confdata = _parser( # dict_type=dict_type, # **kw_optparser # ) # else: # self.confdata = _parser( # **kw_optparser # ) self.confdata = _parser( **kw_optparser ) return True
[docs] def readout_data(self, **kargs): """Returns the configuration as JSON compatible format. Removes the special dummy section header 'globaldummy', see *import_data*. Args: kargs: stronly: Scans all as *str* only. :: stronly := ( True # int and float are # converted to str | False # numeric values are kept ) default := False Returns: In-memory JSON compatible data. Raises: pass-through """ if self.confdata == None: return elif not self.confdata: return str(self.confdata) _stronly = kargs.get('stronly', False) res = {} for s in self.confdata.sections(): if s == 'globaldummy': for k, v, in self.confdata.items(s): if _stronly: res[k] = v continue try: # int res[k] = int(v) except (ValueError, TypeError): try: # float res[k] = float(v) except (ValueError, TypeError): try: # common conceptual keywords: true, false, null res[k] = _KEYWORDS[v] except KeyError: # try: # # is meta keyword only - maps the multi-line entry to a container type syntax # # default set is (dict, list), with the default selection of list # container = _CONTAINERS[v] # except KeyError: try: _v = _CONCAT_LIST.split(v) if len(_v) > 1: # is meta keyword only - maps the multi-line entry to a container type syntax # default is list try: container = _CONTAINERS[_v[0]] _v.pop(0) except KeyError: container = _C_LIST #: default container type if container == _C_DICT: # process comma separated multi-line dictionaries res[k] = {} for _vi in _v: _dk,_dv = re.split(r'[=:]', _vi, 1) _dk = str(_CLEAR_KEY.sub(r'\1', _dk)) try: res[k][_dk] = int(_dv) except (ValueError, TypeError): try: res[_dk] = float(_dv) except (ValueError, TypeError): res[_dk] = _dv elif container == _C_BYTEARRAY: # process comma separated multi-line bytearray # it is native and mutable, so do not need intermediate list res[k] = bytearray() for _vi in _v: try: res[k].append(int(_vi)) except ValueError: # wrong range as well as non-int have ValueError raise YapyDataTreeError( "Bytearray(0..256) failed: [%s] = %s" %( str(k), str(_vi), ) ) else: # elif container == _C_LIST: # process comma separated multi-line lists and related res[k] = [] for _vi in _v: try: res[k].append(int(_vi)) except (ValueError, TypeError): try: res[k].append(float(_vi)) except (ValueError, TypeError): res[k].append(_vi) # now cast to closely related types if container == _C_TUPLE: res[k] = tuple(res[k]) elif container == _C_SET: res[k] = set(res[k]) else: res[k] = v except TypeError: res[k] = v else: res[s] = {} for k, v, in self.confdata.items(s): if _stronly: res[s][k] = v continue try: # int res[s][k] = int(v) except (ValueError, TypeError): try: # float res[s][k] = float(v) except (ValueError, TypeError): try: # common conceptual keywords: true, false, null res[s][k] = _KEYWORDS[v] except KeyError: try: _v = _CONCAT_LIST.split(v) if len(_v) > 1: # is meta keyword only - maps the multi-line entry to a container type syntax # default is list try: container = _CONTAINERS[_v[0]] _v.pop(0) except KeyError: container = _C_LIST #: default container type if container == _C_DICT: res[s][k] = {} else: # elif container == _C_LIST: res[s][k] = [] if container == _C_DICT: # process comma separated multi-line dictionaries #res[k] = {} for _vi in _v: _dk,_dv = re.split(r'[=:]', _vi, 1) _dk = str(_CLEAR_KEY.sub(r'\1', _dk)) try: res[s][k][_dk] = int(_dv) except (ValueError, TypeError): try: res[s][k][_dk] = float(_dv) except (ValueError, TypeError): res[s][k][_dk] = _dv elif container == _C_BYTEARRAY: # process comma separated multi-line bytearray # it is native and mutable, so do not need intermediate list res[s][k] = bytearray() for _vi in _v: try: res[s][k].append(int(_vi)) except ValueError: # wrong range as well as non-int have ValueError raise YapyDataTreeError( "Bytearray(0..256) failed: [%s] = %s" %( str(k), str(_vi), ) ) else: # elif container == _C_LIST: # process comma separated multi-line lists and related res[s][k] = [] for _vi in _v: try: res[s][k].append(int(_vi)) except (ValueError, TypeError): try: res[s][k].append(float(_vi)) except (ValueError, TypeError): res[s][k].append(_vi) # now cast to closely related types if container == _C_TUPLE: res[s][k] = tuple(res[s][k]) elif container == _C_SET: res[s][k] = set(res[s][k]) else: res[s][k] = v except TypeError: if v == None: res[s][k] = None else: raise return res
[docs] def set(self, section, option, value): return self.confdata.set(section, option, value)